When you are building a webpage or an application for
mobile. It is required to test before you go live or send it to store
repository. Testing gives you a good idea to find out errors in application. Once
the errors are in front of you can fix them and give user a error free and
reliable program.
You need to check it on different OS platform and different
browsers. Many of designers ignores testing phase by which sometime the web
page don’t appears to user with perfect layout. So it is mandatory to check
each and every page of website.
Testing on tablets is most important for designers. Because tablets
are growing every faster every years. Different touch screen tablets have
different requirements.
For testing an application a programmer can use emulator for
testing and debugging mobile apps. An emulator work as a real device on your
computer. It provides all the frameworks that you need to test a mobile
application there are many emulators over internet is free to download.
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