Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Paypal Error (35) error 14094410: SSLV3 zencart

If you are using zencart 1.5.1 and payment getway as paypal then you might get a error message Paypal Error (35) error 14094410: SSLV3. This is acctually because of update from paypal you can see the SSLV3 paypal update here. To overcome this problem i just have edited a file of Zencart. The file location is


The whole modefied code is here you simpally need to copy and pest it into paypal_curl.php and update it on to your web server.

  * paypal_curl.php communications class for PayPal Express Checkout / Website Payments Pro / Payflow Pro payment methods  
  * @package paymentMethod  
  * @copyright Copyright 2003-2012 Zen Cart Development Team  
  * @license http://www.zen-cart.com/license/2_0.txt GNU Public License V2.0  
  * @version GIT: $Id: Author: DrByte Tue Aug 28 14:21:34 2012 -0400 Modified in v1.5.1 $  
  * PayPal NVP (v61) and Payflow Pro (v4 HTTP API) implementation via cURL.  
 class paypal_curl extends base {  
   * What level should we log at? Valid levels are:  
   *  1 - Log only severe errors.  
   *  2 - Date/time of operation, operation name, elapsed time, success or failure indication.  
   *  3 - Full text of requests and responses and other debugging messages.  
   * @access protected  
   * @var integer $_logLevel  
  var $_logLevel = 3;  
   * If we're logging, what directory should we create log files in?  
   * Note that a log name coincides with a symlink, logging will  
   * *not* be done to avoid security problems. File names are  
   * <DateStamp>.PayflowPro.log.  
   * @access protected  
   * @var string $_logFile  
  var $_logDir = 'logs';  
   * Debug or production?  
  var $_server = 'sandbox';  
   * URL endpoints -- defaults here are for three-token NVP implementation  
  var $_endpoints = array('live'  => 'https://api-3t.paypal.com/nvp',  
              'sandbox' => 'https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp');  
   * Options for cURL. Defaults to preferred (constant) options.  
  var $_curlOptions = array(CURLOPT_HEADER => 0,  
               CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 60,  
               CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2,  
               //CURLOPT_SSLVERSION => 3,  
               CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE => TRUE,  
               CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT => TRUE,  
               CURLOPT_POST => TRUE,  
   * Parameters that are always required and that don't change  
   * request to request.  
  var $_partner;  
  var $_vendor;  
  var $_user;  
  var $_pwd;  
  var $_version;  
  var $_signature;  
   * nvp or payflow?  
  var $_mode = 'nvp';  
   * Sales or authorizations? For the U.K. this will always be 'S'  
   * (Sale) because of Switch and Solo cards which don't support  
   * authorizations. The other option is 'A' for Authorization.  
   * NOTE: 'A' is not supported for pre-signup-EC-boarding.  
  var $_trxtype = 'S';  
   * Store the last-generated name/value list for debugging.  
  var $lastParamList = null;  
   * Store the last-generated headers for debugging.  
  var $lastHeaders = null;  
   * submission values  
  var $values = array();  
   * Constructor. Sets up communication infrastructure.  
  function paypal_curl($params = array()) {  
   foreach ($params as $name => $value) {  
    $this->setParam($name, $value);  
   * SetExpressCheckout  
   * Prepares to send customer to PayPal site so they can  
   * log in and choose their funding source and shipping address.  
   * The token returned to this function is passed to PayPal in  
   * order to link their PayPal selections to their cart actions.  
  function SetExpressCheckout($returnUrl, $cancelUrl, $options = array()) {  
   $values = $options;  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values = array_merge($values, array('ACTION' => 'S', /* ACTION=S denotes SetExpressCheckout */  
                       'TENDER' => 'P',  
                       'TRXTYPE' => $this->_trxtype,  
                       'RETURNURL' => $returnUrl,  
                       'CANCELURL' => $cancelUrl));  
   } elseif ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    if (!isset($values['PAYMENTACTION']) || ($this->checkHasApiCredentials() === FALSE)) $values['PAYMENTACTION'] = ($this->_trxtype == 'S' || ($this->checkHasApiCredentials() === FALSE) ? 'Sale' : 'Authorization');  
    $values['RETURNURL'] = urlencode($returnUrl);  
    $values['CANCELURL'] = urlencode($cancelUrl);  
   // convert country code key to proper key name for paypal 2.0 (needed when sending express checkout via payflow gateway, due to PayPal field naming inconsistency)  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    if (!isset($values['SHIPTOCOUNTRY']) && isset($values['SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE'])) {  
     $values['SHIPTOCOUNTRY'] = $values['SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE'];  
    //if (isset($values['AMT'])) unset($values['AMT']);  
   // allow page-styling support -- see language file for definitions  
   if (PAYPAL_DEV_MODE == 'true') $this->log('SetExpressCheckout - breakpoint 1 - [' . print_r($values, true) .']');  
   $this->values = $values;  
   return $this->_request($this->values, 'SetExpressCheckout');  
   * GetExpressCheckoutDetails  
   * When customer returns from PayPal site, this retrieves their payment/shipping data for use in Zen Cart  
  function GetExpressCheckoutDetails($token, $optional = array()) {  
   $values = array_merge($optional, array('TOKEN' => $token));  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values = array_merge($values, array('ACTION' => 'G', /* ACTION=G denotes GetExpressCheckoutDetails */  
                       'TENDER' => 'P',  
                       'TRXTYPE' => $this->_trxtype));  
   return $this->_request($values, 'GetExpressCheckoutDetails');  
   * DoExpressCheckoutPayment  
   * Completes the sale using PayPal as payment choice  
  function DoExpressCheckoutPayment($token, $payerId, $options = array()) {  
   $values = array_merge($options, array('TOKEN'  => $token,  
                      'PAYERID' => $payerId));  
   if (PAYPAL_DEV_MODE == 'true') $this->log('DoExpressCheckout - breakpoint 1 - ['.$token . ' ' . $payerId . ' ' . "]\n\n[" . print_r($values, true) .']', $token);  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values['ACTION'] = 'D'; /* ACTION=D denotes DoExpressCheckoutPayment via Payflow */  
    $values['TENDER'] = 'P';  
    $values['TRXTYPE'] = $this->_trxtype;  
    $values['NOTIFYURL'] = zen_href_link('ipn_main_handler.php', '', 'SSL',false,false,true);  
   } elseif ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    if (!isset($values['PAYMENTACTION']) || $this->checkHasApiCredentials() === FALSE) $values['PAYMENTACTION'] = ($this->_trxtype == 'S' || ($this->checkHasApiCredentials() === FALSE) ? 'Sale' : 'Authorization');  
    $values['NOTIFYURL'] = urlencode(zen_href_link('ipn_main_handler.php', '', 'SSL',false,false,true));  
   $this->values = $values;  
   if (PAYPAL_DEV_MODE == 'true') $this->log('DoExpressCheckout - breakpoint 2 '.print_r($this->values, true), $token);  
   return $this->_request($this->values, 'DoExpressCheckoutPayment');  
   * DoDirectPayment  
   * Sends CC information to gateway for processing.  
   * Requires Website Payments Pro or Payflow Pro as merchant gateway.  
   * PAYMENTACTION = Authorization (auth/capt) or Sale (final)  
  function DoDirectPayment($cc, $cvv2 = '', $exp, $fname = null, $lname = null, $cc_type, $options = array(), $nvp = array() ) {  
   $values = $options;  
   $values['ACCT'] = $cc;  
   if ($cvv2 != '') $values['CVV2'] = $cvv2;  
   $values['FIRSTNAME'] = $fname;  
   $values['LASTNAME'] = $lname;  
   if (isset($values['NAME'])) unset ($values['NAME']);  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values['EXPDATE'] = $exp;  
    $values['TENDER'] = 'C';  
    $values['TRXTYPE'] = $this->_trxtype;  
    $values['VERBOSITY'] = 'MEDIUM';  
    $values['NOTIFYURL'] = zen_href_link('ipn_main_handler.php', '', 'SSL',false,false,true);  
   } elseif ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    $values = array_merge($values, $nvp);  
    if (isset($values['ECI'])) {  
     $values['ECI3DS'] = $values['ECI'];  
    $values['CREDITCARDTYPE'] = ($cc_type == 'American Express') ? 'Amex' : $cc_type;  
    $values['NOTIFYURL'] = urlencode(zen_href_link('ipn_main_handler.php', '', 'SSL',false,false,true));  
    if (!isset($values['PAYMENTACTION'])) $values['PAYMENTACTION'] = ($this->_trxtype == 'S' ? 'Sale' : 'Authorization');  
    if (isset($values['COUNTRY'])) unset ($values['COUNTRY']);  
    if (isset($values['COMMENT1'])) unset ($values['COMMENT1']);  
    if (isset($values['COMMENT2'])) unset ($values['COMMENT2']);  
    if (isset($values['CUSTREF'])) unset ($values['CUSTREF']);  
   $this->values = $values;  
   return $this->_request($this->values, 'DoDirectPayment');  
   * RefundTransaction  
   * Used to refund all or part of a given transaction  
  function RefundTransaction($oID, $txnID, $amount = 'Full', $note = '', $curCode = 'USD') {  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values['ORIGID'] = $txnID;  
    $values['TENDER'] = 'C';  
    $values['TRXTYPE'] = 'C';  
    $values['AMT'] = number_format((float)$amount, 2);  
    if ($note != '') $values['COMMENT2'] = $note;  
   } elseif ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    $values['TRANSACTIONID'] = $txnID;  
    if ($amount != 'Full' && (float)$amount > 0) {  
     $values['REFUNDTYPE'] = 'Partial';  
     $values['CURRENCYCODE'] = $curCode;  
     $values['AMT'] = number_format((float)$amount, 2);  
    } else {  
     $values['REFUNDTYPE'] = 'Full';  
    if ($note != '') $values['NOTE'] = $note;  
   return $this->_request($values, 'RefundTransaction');  
   * DoVoid  
   * Used to void a previously authorized transaction  
  function DoVoid($txnID, $note = '') {  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values['ORIGID'] = $txnID;  
    $values['TENDER'] = 'C';  
    $values['TRXTYPE'] = 'V';  
    if ($note != '') $values['COMMENT2'] = $note;  
   } elseif ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    $values['AUTHORIZATIONID'] = $txnID;  
    if ($note != '') $values['NOTE'] = $note;  
   return $this->_request($values, 'DoVoid');  
   * DoAuthorization  
   * Used to authorize part of a previously placed order which was initiated as authType of Order  
  function DoAuthorization($txnID, $amount = 0, $currency = 'USD', $entity = 'Order') {  
   $values['TRANSACTIONID'] = $txnID;  
   $values['AMT'] = number_format($amount, 2, '.', ',');  
   $values['TRANSACTIONENTITY'] = $entity;  
   $values['CURRENCYCODE'] = $currency;  
   return $this->_request($values, 'DoAuthorization');  
   * DoReauthorization  
   * Used to reauthorize a previously-authorized order which has expired  
  function DoReauthorization($txnID, $amount = 0, $currency = 'USD') {  
   $values['AUTHORIZATIONID'] = $txnID;  
   $values['AMT'] = number_format($amount, 2, '.', ',');  
   $values['CURRENCYCODE'] = $currency;  
   return $this->_request($values, 'DoReauthorization');  
   * DoCapture  
   * Used to capture part or all of a previously placed order which was only authorized  
  function DoCapture($txnID, $amount = 0, $currency = 'USD', $captureType = 'Complete', $invNum = '', $note = '') {  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values['ORIGID'] = $txnID;  
    $values['TENDER'] = 'C';  
    $values['TRXTYPE'] = 'D';  
    $values['VERBOSITY'] = 'MEDIUM';  
    if ($invNum != '') $values['INVNUM'] = $invNum;  
    if ($note != '') $values['COMMENT2'] = $note;  
   } elseif ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    $values['AUTHORIZATIONID'] = $txnID;  
    $values['COMPLETETYPE'] = $captureType;  
    $values['AMT'] = number_format((float)$amount, 2);  
    $values['CURRENCYCODE'] = $currency;  
    if ($invNum != '') $values['INVNUM'] = $invNum;  
    if ($note != '') $values['NOTE'] = $note;  
   return $this->_request($values, 'DoCapture');  
   * ManagePendingTransactionStatus  
   * Accept/Deny pending FMF transactions  
  function ManagePendingTransactionStatus($txnID, $action) {  
   if (!in_array($action, array('Accept', 'Deny'))) return FALSE;  
   $values['TRANSACTIONID'] = $txnID;  
   $values['ACTION'] = $action;  
   return $this->_request($values, 'ManagePendingTransactionStatus');  
   * GetTransactionDetails  
   * Used to read data from PayPal for a given transaction  
  function GetTransactionDetails($txnID) {  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values['ORIGID'] = $txnID;  
    $values['TENDER'] = 'C';  
    $values['TRXTYPE'] = 'I';  
    $values['VERBOSITY'] = 'MEDIUM';  
   } elseif ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    $values['TRANSACTIONID'] = $txnID;  
   return $this->_request($values, 'GetTransactionDetails');  
   * TransactionSearch  
   * Used to read data from PayPal for specified transaction criteria  
  function TransactionSearch($startdate, $txnID = '', $email = '', $options) {  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values['CUSTREF'] = $txnID;  
    $values['TENDER'] = 'C';  
    $values['TRXTYPE'] = 'I';  
    $values['VERBOSITY'] = 'MEDIUM';  
   } elseif ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    $values['STARTDATE'] = $startdate;  
    $values['TRANSACTIONID'] = $txnID;  
    $values['EMAIL'] = $email;  
    if (is_array($options)) $values = array_merge($values, $options);  
   return $this->_request($values, 'TransactionSearch');  
   * Set a parameter as passed.  
  function setParam($name, $value) {  
   $name = '_' . $name;  
   $this->$name = $value;  
   * Set CURL options.  
  function setCurlOption($name, $value) {  
   $this->_curlOptions[$name] = $value;  
   * Send a request to endpoint.  
  function _request($values, $operation, $requestId = null) {  
   if ($this->_mode == 'NOTCONFIGURED') {  
    return array('RESULT' => 'PayPal credentials not set. Cannot proceed.');  
   if ($this->checkHasApiCredentials() === FALSE && (!in_array($operation, array('SetExpressCheckout','GetExpressCheckoutDetails', 'DoExpressCheckoutPayment')))) {  
    return array('RESULT' => 'Unauthorized: Unilateral');  
   if (PAYPAL_DEV_MODE == 'true') $this->log('_request - breakpoint 1 - ' . $operation . "\n" . print_r($values, true));  
   $start = $this->_getMicroseconds();  
   if ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    $values['METHOD'] = $operation;  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values['REQUEST_ID'] = time();  
   // convert currency code to proper key name for nvp  
   if ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    if (!isset($values['CURRENCYCODE']) && isset($values['CURRENCY'])) {  
     $values['CURRENCYCODE'] = $values['CURRENCY'];  
   // request-id must be unique within 30 days  
   if ($requestId === null) {  
    $requestId = md5(uniqid(mt_rand()));  
   $headers[] = 'Content-Type: text/namevalue';  
   $headers[] = 'X-VPS-Timeout: 90';  
   $headers[] = "X-VPS-VIT-Client-Type: PHP/cURL";  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $headers[] = 'X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Product: PHP::Zen Cart(R) - PayPal/Payflow Pro';  
   } elseif ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    $headers[] = 'X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Product: PHP::Zen Cart(R) - PayPal/NVP';  
   $headers[] = 'X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Version: 1.5.1';  
   $this->lastHeaders = $headers;  
   $ch = curl_init();  
   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->_endpoints[$this->_server]);  
   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);  
   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this->_buildNameValueList($values));  
   foreach ($this->_curlOptions as $name => $value) {  
    curl_setopt($ch, $name, $value);  
   $response = curl_exec($ch);  
   $commError = curl_error($ch);  
   $commErrNo = curl_errno($ch);  
   $commInfo = @curl_getinfo($ch);  
   $rawdata = "CURL raw data:\n" . $response . "CURL RESULTS: (" . $commErrNo . ') ' . $commError . "\n" . print_r($commInfo, true) . "\nEOF";  
   $errors = ($commErrNo != 0 ? "\n(" . $commErrNo . ') ' . $commError : '');  
   $response .= '&CURL_ERRORS=' . ($commErrNo != 0 ? urlencode('(' . $commErrNo . ') ' . $commError) : '') ;  
   // do debug/logging  
   if ((!in_array($operation, array('GetTransactionDetails','TransactionSearch'))) || (in_array($operation, array('GetTransactionDetails','TransactionSearch')) && !strstr($response, '&ACK=Success')) ) $this->_logTransaction($operation, $this->_getElapsed($start), $response, $errors . ($commErrNo != 0 ? "\n" . print_r($commInfo, true) : ''));  
   if ($response) {  
    return $this->_parseNameValueList($response);  
   } else {  
    return false;  
   * Take an array of name-value pairs and return a properly  
   * formatted list. Enforces the following rules:  
   *  - Names must be uppercase, all characters must match [A-Z].  
   *  - Values cannot contain quotes.  
   *  - If values contain & or =, the name has the length appended to  
   *   it in brackets (NAME[4] for a 4-character value.  
   * If any of the "cannot" conditions are violated the function  
   * returns false, and the caller must abort and not proceed with  
   * the transaction.  
  function _buildNameValueList($pairs) {  
   // Add the parameters that are always sent.  
   $commpairs = array();  
   // generic:  
   if ($this->_user != '')   $commpairs['USER'] = str_replace('+', '%2B', trim($this->_user));  
   if ($this->_pwd != '')    $commpairs['PWD'] = trim($this->_pwd);  
   // PRO2.0 options:  
   if ($this->_partner != '')  $commpairs['PARTNER'] = trim($this->_partner);  
   if ($this->_vendor != '')  $commpairs['VENDOR'] = trim($this->_vendor);  
   // NVP-specific options:  
   if ($this->_version != '')  $commpairs['VERSION'] = trim($this->_version);  
   if ($this->_signature != '') $commpairs['SIGNATURE'] = trim($this->_signature);  
   // Use sandbox credentials if defined and sandbox selected  
   if ($this->_server == 'sandbox'  
    $commpairs['USER'] = str_replace('+', '%2B', trim(MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_SANDBOX_APIPASSWORD));  
   // Adjustments if Micropayments account profile details have been set  
    $commpairs['USER'] = str_replace('+', '%2B', trim(MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_MICROPAY_APIUSERNAME));  
   // Accelerated/Unilateral Boarding support:  
   if ($this->checkHasApiCredentials() == FALSE) {  
    $commpairs['USER'] = '';  
    $commpairs['PWD'] = '';  
    $commpairs['SIGNATURE'] = '';  
   $pairs = array_merge($pairs, $commpairs);  
   $string = array();  
   foreach ($pairs as $name => $value) {  
    if (preg_match('/[^A-Z_0-9]/', $name)) {  
     if (PAYPAL_DEV_MODE == 'true') $this->log('_buildNameValueList - datacheck - ABORTING - preg_match found invalid submission key: ' . $name . ' (' . $value . ')');  
     return false;  
    // remove quotation marks  
    $value = str_replace('"', '', $value);  
    // if the value contains a & or = symbol, handle it differently  
    if (($this->_mode == 'payflow') && (strpos($value, '&') !== false || strpos($value, '=') !== false)) {  
     $string[] = $name . '[' . strlen($value) . ']=' . $value;  
     if (PAYPAL_DEV_MODE == 'true') $this->log('_buildNameValueList - datacheck - adding braces and string count to: ' . $value . ' (' . $name . ')');  
    } else {  
     if ($this->_mode == 'nvp' && ((strstr($name, 'SHIPTO') || strstr($name, 'L_NAME')) && (strpos($value, '&') !== false || strpos($value, '=') !== false))) $value = urlencode($value);  
     $string[] = $name . '=' . $value;  
   $this->lastParamList = implode('&', $string);  
   return $this->lastParamList;  
   * Take a name/value response string and parse it into an  
   * associative array. Doesn't handle length tags in the response  
   * as they should not be present.  
  function _parseNameValueList($string) {  
   $string = str_replace('&amp;', '|', $string);  
   $pairs = explode('&', str_replace(array("\r\n","\n"), '', $string));  
   //$this->log('['.$string . "]\n\n[" . print_r($pairs, true) .']');  
   $values = array();  
   foreach ($pairs as $pair) {  
    list($name, $value) = explode('=', $pair, 2);  
    $values[$name] = str_replace('|', '&amp;', $value);  
   return $values;  
   * Log the current transaction depending on the current log level.  
   * @access protected  
   * @param string $operation The operation called.  
   * @param integer $elapsed  Microseconds taken.  
   * @param object $response  The response.  
  function _logTransaction($operation, $elapsed, $response, $errors) {  
   $values = $this->_parseNameValueList($response);  
   $token = isset($values['TOKEN']) ? $values['TOKEN'] : '';  
   $token = preg_replace('/[^0-9.A-Z\-]/', '', urldecode($token));  
   $success = false;  
   if ($response) {  
    if ((isset($values['RESULT']) && $values['RESULT'] == 0) || (isset($values['ACK']) && (strstr($values['ACK'],'Success') || strstr($values['ACK'],'SuccessWithWarning')) && !strstr($values['ACK'],'Failure'))) {  
     $success = true;  
   $message =  date('Y-m-d h:i:s') . "\n-------------------\n";  
   $message .= '(' . $this->_server . ' transaction) --> ' . $this->_endpoints[$this->_server] . "\n";  
   $message .= 'Request Headers: ' . "\n" . $this->_sanitizeLog($this->lastHeaders) . "\n\n";  
   $message .= 'Request Parameters: {' . $operation . '} ' . "\n" . urldecode($this->_sanitizeLog($this->_parseNameValueList($this->lastParamList))) . "\n\n";  
   $message .= 'Response: ' . "\n" . urldecode($this->_sanitizeLog($values)) . $errors;  
   if ($this->_logLevel > 0 || $success == FALSE) {  
    $this->log($message, $token);  
    // extra debug email: //  
    if (MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_DEBUGGING == 'Log and Email') {  
     zen_mail(STORE_NAME, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, 'PayPal Debug log - ' . $operation, $message, STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, array('EMAIL_MESSAGE_HTML'=>nl2br($message)), 'debug');  
    $this->log($operation . ', Elapsed: ' . $elapsed . 'ms -- ' . (isset($values['ACK']) ? $values['ACK'] : ($success ? 'Succeeded' : 'Failed')) . $errors, $token);  
    if (!$response) {  
     $this->log('No response from server' . $errors, $token);  
    } else {  
     if ((isset($values['RESULT']) && $values['RESULT'] != 0) || strstr($values['ACK'],'Failure')) {  
      $this->log($response . $errors, $token);  
   * Strip sensitive information (passwords, credit card numbers, cvv2 codes) from requests/responses.  
   * @access protected  
   * @param mixed $log The log to sanitize.  
   * @return string The sanitized (and string-ified, if necessary) log.  
  function _sanitizeLog($log, $allsensitive = false) {  
   if (is_array($log)) {  
    foreach (array_keys($log) as $key) {  
     switch (strtolower($key)) {  
      case 'pwd':  
      case 'cvv2':  
       $log[$key] = str_repeat('*', strlen($log[$key]));  
      case 'signature':  
      case 'acct':  
       $log[$key] = str_repeat('*', strlen(substr($log[$key], 0, -4))) . substr($log[$key], -4);  
      case 'solutiontype':  
     if ($allsensitive && in_array($key, array('BUTTONSOURCE', 'VERSION', 'SIGNATURE', 'USER', 'VENDOR', 'PARTNER', 'PWD', 'VERBOSITY'))) unset($log[$key]);  
    return print_r($log, true);  
   } else {  
    return $log;  
  function log($message, $token = '') {  
   static $tokenHash;  
   if ($tokenHash == '') $tokenHash = '_' . zen_create_random_value(4);  
   if ($token == '') $token = $_SESSION['paypal_ec_token'];  
   if ($token == '') $token = time();  
   $token .= $tokenHash;  
   $file = $this->_logDir . '/' . 'Paypal_CURL_' . $token . '.log';  
   if ($fp = @fopen($file, 'a')) {  
    fwrite($fp, $message . "\n\n");  
   * Check whether API credentials are supplied, or if is blank  
   * @return boolean  
  function checkHasApiCredentials()  
   return ($this->_mode == 'nvp' && ($this->_user == '' || $this->_pwd == '')) ? FALSE : TRUE;  
   * Return the current time including microseconds.  
   * @access protected  
   * @return integer Current time with microseconds.  
  function _getMicroseconds() {  
   list($ms, $s) = explode(' ', microtime());  
   return floor($ms * 1000) + 1000 * $s;  
   * Return the difference between now and $start in microseconds.  
   * @access protected  
   * @param integer $start Start time including microseconds.  
   * @return integer Number of microseconds elapsed since $start  
  function _getElapsed($start) {  
   return $this->_getMicroseconds() - $start;  
  * Convert HTML comments to readable text  
  * @param string $string  
  * @return string  
 function zen_uncomment($string) {  
  return str_replace(array('<!-- ', ' -->'), array('[', ']'), $string);  


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