Monday, June 29, 2015

How to Reset Zencart Password

Hi guys, in this post i am just going to show you how to reset zencart admin password if you loss it. by default zencart ask to change password after every three months in this case it my be difficult to remember the password. So you if forget your password of admin panel of zencart not to worry about it. you can reset it from you phpMyadmin panel it is quite very easy. you need to execute two sql command that is one to delete the current admin and second one is to insert admin new information.

to delete current admin user of your zencart store you need to execute

DELETE FROM admin WHERE admin_name = 'admin'; 

you need to change admin to the admin username of you zencart store. then you will have to insert fresh admin user information for this you will have to execute

INSERT INTO admin (admin_name, admin_email, admin_pass, admin_profile) 
VALUES ('admin', '', '351683ea4e19efe34874b501fdbf9792:9b', 1);

change admin email to you store admin email. now

User: admin
Password: admin

is set you can now try login to your admin panel it will ask you to change the password as after fresh installation.

hope this post will you help you.


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