Monday, June 29, 2015

How To Reset Wordpress Password

Hi guys, In this post i am going to show you how to reset your magento password if you forget it not to worry at all. All what you need to do is you need to login to your phpMyadmin panel.

select wp-user table over there

it will show up users in left hand side you need to edit it

now you need to put you desired password in user_pass by selecting md 5 in dropdown

Then click on go botton

Thats all done now try login with the new password.

Hope this post will help you.

How to Reset Zencart Password

Hi guys, in this post i am just going to show you how to reset zencart admin password if you loss it. by default zencart ask to change password after every three months in this case it my be difficult to remember the password. So you if forget your password of admin panel of zencart not to worry about it. you can reset it from you phpMyadmin panel it is quite very easy. you need to execute two sql command that is one to delete the current admin and second one is to insert admin new information.

to delete current admin user of your zencart store you need to execute

DELETE FROM admin WHERE admin_name = 'admin'; 

you need to change admin to the admin username of you zencart store. then you will have to insert fresh admin user information for this you will have to execute

INSERT INTO admin (admin_name, admin_email, admin_pass, admin_profile) 
VALUES ('admin', '', '351683ea4e19efe34874b501fdbf9792:9b', 1);

change admin email to you store admin email. now

User: admin
Password: admin

is set you can now try login to your admin panel it will ask you to change the password as after fresh installation.

hope this post will you help you.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

how to add custom additional tab for my magento description

Hi guys if you are looking for how to make your own custom tag in magento product description section like specification, benefits or ingredients you need to play with attributes. In my case I have made two tabs benefits or ingredients. The process of adding extra tabs I am describing here hope this will help you.
1.       You need to modify a file which is app/design/frontend/YOUR_THEME/default/layout/catalog.xml
Look for the code

<block type="catalog/product_view_description" name="product.description" as="description" template="catalog/product/view/description.phtml">
                    <action method="addToParentGroup"><group>detailed_info</group></action>
                    <action method="setTitle" translate="value"><value>HOW TO USE</value></action>

Under this code you need to add a block in my case I have added two blocks

<block type="catalog/product_view_attributes" name="product.benefits" as="benefits" template="catalog/product/view/benefits.phtml">
                                                                    <action method="addToParentGroup"><group>detailed_info</group></action>
                                                                    <action method="setTitle" translate="value"><value>BENEFITS</value></action>

<block type="catalog/product_view_attributes" name="product.ingredients" as="ingredients" template="catalog/product/view/ingredients.phtml">
                                                                    <action method="addToParentGroup"><group>detailed_info</group></action>
                                                                    <action method="setTitle" translate="value"><value>INGREDIENTS</value></action>

After that you need to create phtml file for each block which will be saved under app/design/frontend/YOUR_TEMPLATE/default/template/catalog/product/view
I have made two files benefits.phtml and ingredients.phtml as described you I had added two blocks under these phtml file you need to write some codes. In benefits I have written

<?php $_helper = $this->helper('catalog/output'); ?>
<?php $_product = $this->getProduct(); ?>
<?php if ($_product->getbenefits()):?>
                <div class="short-benefits">
                    <h2><?php echo $this->__('benefits') ?></h2>
                    <div class="std"><?php echo $_helper->productAttribute($_product, nl2br($_product->getbenefits()), 'benefits') ?></div>
            <?php endif;?>

And in ingredients I have written

<?php $_helper = $this->helper('catalog/output'); ?>
<?php $_product = $this->getProduct(); ?>
<?php if ($_product->getingredients()):?>
                <div class="short-ingredients">
                    <h2><?php echo $this->__('ingredients') ?></h2>
                    <div class="std"><?php echo $_helper->productAttribute($_product, nl2br($_product->getingredients()), 'ingredients') ?></div>
            <?php endif;?>

Once these you have completed you need to login to you magento admin panel and go to
Catalog->attributes->manage attribute

Click on add new and assign the same name as defined in the block like in name=” product.benefits” then make the attribute with benefits name in Catalog Input Type for Store Owner select text area.
If you wish to allow html editor then in Enable WYSIWYG select yes

Now in the left hand side manage label / options
Put the name of the tab like benefits

Now you have made your attribute to assign it you need go to catalog->attributes-> manage attribute sets

Over these select default. Once you click on default you will see in right Unassigned Attributes with the attribute that you have made simpally you need to drag it to your group I had put it after short_description and click on save. Now you are done.

Go catalog manage product and you will see a box that will ask you to enter benefits once you put the content over there it will show up in your produt desctiption page or product view page of your mangento store.

final result

Monday, June 22, 2015

Display Reviews Starts on Product listing page Magento

hi guys if you want to display reviews rating stars on product listing page or anywhere else you will need up the following code.

$storeId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();
$summaryData = Mage::getModel('review/review_summary')->setStoreId($storeId)  ->load($_product->getId());
<div class="ratings" style="text-align: center;">
        <div class="rating-box">
            <div class="rating" style="width:<?php echo $summaryData['rating_summary']; ?>%"></div>          

Just you need to copy and paste above code to your program and you are done after placing this code you might need to delete cache of magento which is under var/cache.

if you need any other help or facing any issue please comment i will get back to you soon with you reply.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

can not login to magento after installation

Hi guys if you can not login to magento admin panel after installation it's not an issue. All what you need to do is you will have to modify up a file of magento.

Go to:

and look for this code.

$cookieParams = array(
            'lifetime' => $cookie->getLifetime(),
            'path'     => $cookie->getPath(),
            'domain'   => $cookie->getConfigDomain(),
            'secure'   => $cookie->isSecure(),
            'httponly' => $cookie->getHttponly()

        if (!$cookieParams['httponly']) {
            if (!$cookieParams['secure']) {
                if (!$cookieParams['domain']) {

you need to comment all of these codes. or you can replace this code with

/*$cookieParams = array(
            'lifetime' => $cookie->getLifetime(),
            'path'     => $cookie->getPath(),
            'domain'   => $cookie->getConfigDomain(),
            'secure'   => $cookie->isSecure(),
            'httponly' => $cookie->getHttponly()

        if (!$cookieParams['httponly']) {
            if (!$cookieParams['secure']) {
                if (!$cookieParams['domain']) {

After this modification open your admin URL

and now try login with the username and password that you have setup on the installation time.

Note: This is tested on magento ver1.9.x

Friday, April 24, 2015

Magento dimensional magento free download

If you want to to set you custom dimensional shipping in magento according to height, width, length and weight you can use this extension.

To use this extension you should have little bit knowledge about php. You need to edit a file according to your condition

How to use

  1. extract magento-dimensional-shipping
  2. Go to app -> code -> local-> Foobar -> Shipping -> Model -> Carrier -> Customrate.php
  3. open Customrate.php in any editore like notepad dreamviewer or anything you use
  4. Go to line 17 and change values to you own condition
  5. upload all the folders in root directory
  6. login to magento admin

clear all cache and you are done!!!!!!!!

Hope this plugin will short it up.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

WP-Galleriffic galleriffic WordPress extension plugins

Galleriffic is a jQuery plugin that provides a rich, post-back free experience optimized to handle high volumes of photos while conserving bandwidth. You can download the source file form

If you are developing a wordpress website you can use galleriffic gallery using this extension you can download it from here.

How to use galleriffic wordpress extension

1. First of all you need to download the css and js file form
2. Then you need to call it in you header file you can get this file under wp-contents->themes->your_theme->header.php
3. Then you need to extract and upload the plugins file to wp-contents->plugins
4. After uploading wordpress extension to your plugins folder you need to setup your gallery follow these steps

Shortcode for gallery [nggallery id=1 template="galleriffic"]

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Paypal Error (35) error 14094410: SSLV3 zencart

If you are using zencart 1.5.1 and payment getway as paypal then you might get a error message Paypal Error (35) error 14094410: SSLV3. This is acctually because of update from paypal you can see the SSLV3 paypal update here. To overcome this problem i just have edited a file of Zencart. The file location is


The whole modefied code is here you simpally need to copy and pest it into paypal_curl.php and update it on to your web server.

  * paypal_curl.php communications class for PayPal Express Checkout / Website Payments Pro / Payflow Pro payment methods  
  * @package paymentMethod  
  * @copyright Copyright 2003-2012 Zen Cart Development Team  
  * @license GNU Public License V2.0  
  * @version GIT: $Id: Author: DrByte Tue Aug 28 14:21:34 2012 -0400 Modified in v1.5.1 $  
  * PayPal NVP (v61) and Payflow Pro (v4 HTTP API) implementation via cURL.  
 class paypal_curl extends base {  
   * What level should we log at? Valid levels are:  
   *  1 - Log only severe errors.  
   *  2 - Date/time of operation, operation name, elapsed time, success or failure indication.  
   *  3 - Full text of requests and responses and other debugging messages.  
   * @access protected  
   * @var integer $_logLevel  
  var $_logLevel = 3;  
   * If we're logging, what directory should we create log files in?  
   * Note that a log name coincides with a symlink, logging will  
   * *not* be done to avoid security problems. File names are  
   * <DateStamp>.PayflowPro.log.  
   * @access protected  
   * @var string $_logFile  
  var $_logDir = 'logs';  
   * Debug or production?  
  var $_server = 'sandbox';  
   * URL endpoints -- defaults here are for three-token NVP implementation  
  var $_endpoints = array('live'  => '',  
              'sandbox' => '');  
   * Options for cURL. Defaults to preferred (constant) options.  
  var $_curlOptions = array(CURLOPT_HEADER => 0,  
               CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 60,  
               CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2,  
               //CURLOPT_SSLVERSION => 3,  
               CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE => TRUE,  
               CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT => TRUE,  
               CURLOPT_POST => TRUE,  
   * Parameters that are always required and that don't change  
   * request to request.  
  var $_partner;  
  var $_vendor;  
  var $_user;  
  var $_pwd;  
  var $_version;  
  var $_signature;  
   * nvp or payflow?  
  var $_mode = 'nvp';  
   * Sales or authorizations? For the U.K. this will always be 'S'  
   * (Sale) because of Switch and Solo cards which don't support  
   * authorizations. The other option is 'A' for Authorization.  
   * NOTE: 'A' is not supported for pre-signup-EC-boarding.  
  var $_trxtype = 'S';  
   * Store the last-generated name/value list for debugging.  
  var $lastParamList = null;  
   * Store the last-generated headers for debugging.  
  var $lastHeaders = null;  
   * submission values  
  var $values = array();  
   * Constructor. Sets up communication infrastructure.  
  function paypal_curl($params = array()) {  
   foreach ($params as $name => $value) {  
    $this->setParam($name, $value);  
   * SetExpressCheckout  
   * Prepares to send customer to PayPal site so they can  
   * log in and choose their funding source and shipping address.  
   * The token returned to this function is passed to PayPal in  
   * order to link their PayPal selections to their cart actions.  
  function SetExpressCheckout($returnUrl, $cancelUrl, $options = array()) {  
   $values = $options;  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values = array_merge($values, array('ACTION' => 'S', /* ACTION=S denotes SetExpressCheckout */  
                       'TENDER' => 'P',  
                       'TRXTYPE' => $this->_trxtype,  
                       'RETURNURL' => $returnUrl,  
                       'CANCELURL' => $cancelUrl));  
   } elseif ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    if (!isset($values['PAYMENTACTION']) || ($this->checkHasApiCredentials() === FALSE)) $values['PAYMENTACTION'] = ($this->_trxtype == 'S' || ($this->checkHasApiCredentials() === FALSE) ? 'Sale' : 'Authorization');  
    $values['RETURNURL'] = urlencode($returnUrl);  
    $values['CANCELURL'] = urlencode($cancelUrl);  
   // convert country code key to proper key name for paypal 2.0 (needed when sending express checkout via payflow gateway, due to PayPal field naming inconsistency)  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    if (!isset($values['SHIPTOCOUNTRY']) && isset($values['SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE'])) {  
     $values['SHIPTOCOUNTRY'] = $values['SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE'];  
    //if (isset($values['AMT'])) unset($values['AMT']);  
   // allow page-styling support -- see language file for definitions  
   if (PAYPAL_DEV_MODE == 'true') $this->log('SetExpressCheckout - breakpoint 1 - [' . print_r($values, true) .']');  
   $this->values = $values;  
   return $this->_request($this->values, 'SetExpressCheckout');  
   * GetExpressCheckoutDetails  
   * When customer returns from PayPal site, this retrieves their payment/shipping data for use in Zen Cart  
  function GetExpressCheckoutDetails($token, $optional = array()) {  
   $values = array_merge($optional, array('TOKEN' => $token));  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values = array_merge($values, array('ACTION' => 'G', /* ACTION=G denotes GetExpressCheckoutDetails */  
                       'TENDER' => 'P',  
                       'TRXTYPE' => $this->_trxtype));  
   return $this->_request($values, 'GetExpressCheckoutDetails');  
   * DoExpressCheckoutPayment  
   * Completes the sale using PayPal as payment choice  
  function DoExpressCheckoutPayment($token, $payerId, $options = array()) {  
   $values = array_merge($options, array('TOKEN'  => $token,  
                      'PAYERID' => $payerId));  
   if (PAYPAL_DEV_MODE == 'true') $this->log('DoExpressCheckout - breakpoint 1 - ['.$token . ' ' . $payerId . ' ' . "]\n\n[" . print_r($values, true) .']', $token);  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values['ACTION'] = 'D'; /* ACTION=D denotes DoExpressCheckoutPayment via Payflow */  
    $values['TENDER'] = 'P';  
    $values['TRXTYPE'] = $this->_trxtype;  
    $values['NOTIFYURL'] = zen_href_link('ipn_main_handler.php', '', 'SSL',false,false,true);  
   } elseif ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    if (!isset($values['PAYMENTACTION']) || $this->checkHasApiCredentials() === FALSE) $values['PAYMENTACTION'] = ($this->_trxtype == 'S' || ($this->checkHasApiCredentials() === FALSE) ? 'Sale' : 'Authorization');  
    $values['NOTIFYURL'] = urlencode(zen_href_link('ipn_main_handler.php', '', 'SSL',false,false,true));  
   $this->values = $values;  
   if (PAYPAL_DEV_MODE == 'true') $this->log('DoExpressCheckout - breakpoint 2 '.print_r($this->values, true), $token);  
   return $this->_request($this->values, 'DoExpressCheckoutPayment');  
   * DoDirectPayment  
   * Sends CC information to gateway for processing.  
   * Requires Website Payments Pro or Payflow Pro as merchant gateway.  
   * PAYMENTACTION = Authorization (auth/capt) or Sale (final)  
  function DoDirectPayment($cc, $cvv2 = '', $exp, $fname = null, $lname = null, $cc_type, $options = array(), $nvp = array() ) {  
   $values = $options;  
   $values['ACCT'] = $cc;  
   if ($cvv2 != '') $values['CVV2'] = $cvv2;  
   $values['FIRSTNAME'] = $fname;  
   $values['LASTNAME'] = $lname;  
   if (isset($values['NAME'])) unset ($values['NAME']);  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values['EXPDATE'] = $exp;  
    $values['TENDER'] = 'C';  
    $values['TRXTYPE'] = $this->_trxtype;  
    $values['VERBOSITY'] = 'MEDIUM';  
    $values['NOTIFYURL'] = zen_href_link('ipn_main_handler.php', '', 'SSL',false,false,true);  
   } elseif ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    $values = array_merge($values, $nvp);  
    if (isset($values['ECI'])) {  
     $values['ECI3DS'] = $values['ECI'];  
    $values['CREDITCARDTYPE'] = ($cc_type == 'American Express') ? 'Amex' : $cc_type;  
    $values['NOTIFYURL'] = urlencode(zen_href_link('ipn_main_handler.php', '', 'SSL',false,false,true));  
    if (!isset($values['PAYMENTACTION'])) $values['PAYMENTACTION'] = ($this->_trxtype == 'S' ? 'Sale' : 'Authorization');  
    if (isset($values['COUNTRY'])) unset ($values['COUNTRY']);  
    if (isset($values['COMMENT1'])) unset ($values['COMMENT1']);  
    if (isset($values['COMMENT2'])) unset ($values['COMMENT2']);  
    if (isset($values['CUSTREF'])) unset ($values['CUSTREF']);  
   $this->values = $values;  
   return $this->_request($this->values, 'DoDirectPayment');  
   * RefundTransaction  
   * Used to refund all or part of a given transaction  
  function RefundTransaction($oID, $txnID, $amount = 'Full', $note = '', $curCode = 'USD') {  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values['ORIGID'] = $txnID;  
    $values['TENDER'] = 'C';  
    $values['TRXTYPE'] = 'C';  
    $values['AMT'] = number_format((float)$amount, 2);  
    if ($note != '') $values['COMMENT2'] = $note;  
   } elseif ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    $values['TRANSACTIONID'] = $txnID;  
    if ($amount != 'Full' && (float)$amount > 0) {  
     $values['REFUNDTYPE'] = 'Partial';  
     $values['CURRENCYCODE'] = $curCode;  
     $values['AMT'] = number_format((float)$amount, 2);  
    } else {  
     $values['REFUNDTYPE'] = 'Full';  
    if ($note != '') $values['NOTE'] = $note;  
   return $this->_request($values, 'RefundTransaction');  
   * DoVoid  
   * Used to void a previously authorized transaction  
  function DoVoid($txnID, $note = '') {  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values['ORIGID'] = $txnID;  
    $values['TENDER'] = 'C';  
    $values['TRXTYPE'] = 'V';  
    if ($note != '') $values['COMMENT2'] = $note;  
   } elseif ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    $values['AUTHORIZATIONID'] = $txnID;  
    if ($note != '') $values['NOTE'] = $note;  
   return $this->_request($values, 'DoVoid');  
   * DoAuthorization  
   * Used to authorize part of a previously placed order which was initiated as authType of Order  
  function DoAuthorization($txnID, $amount = 0, $currency = 'USD', $entity = 'Order') {  
   $values['TRANSACTIONID'] = $txnID;  
   $values['AMT'] = number_format($amount, 2, '.', ',');  
   $values['TRANSACTIONENTITY'] = $entity;  
   $values['CURRENCYCODE'] = $currency;  
   return $this->_request($values, 'DoAuthorization');  
   * DoReauthorization  
   * Used to reauthorize a previously-authorized order which has expired  
  function DoReauthorization($txnID, $amount = 0, $currency = 'USD') {  
   $values['AUTHORIZATIONID'] = $txnID;  
   $values['AMT'] = number_format($amount, 2, '.', ',');  
   $values['CURRENCYCODE'] = $currency;  
   return $this->_request($values, 'DoReauthorization');  
   * DoCapture  
   * Used to capture part or all of a previously placed order which was only authorized  
  function DoCapture($txnID, $amount = 0, $currency = 'USD', $captureType = 'Complete', $invNum = '', $note = '') {  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values['ORIGID'] = $txnID;  
    $values['TENDER'] = 'C';  
    $values['TRXTYPE'] = 'D';  
    $values['VERBOSITY'] = 'MEDIUM';  
    if ($invNum != '') $values['INVNUM'] = $invNum;  
    if ($note != '') $values['COMMENT2'] = $note;  
   } elseif ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    $values['AUTHORIZATIONID'] = $txnID;  
    $values['COMPLETETYPE'] = $captureType;  
    $values['AMT'] = number_format((float)$amount, 2);  
    $values['CURRENCYCODE'] = $currency;  
    if ($invNum != '') $values['INVNUM'] = $invNum;  
    if ($note != '') $values['NOTE'] = $note;  
   return $this->_request($values, 'DoCapture');  
   * ManagePendingTransactionStatus  
   * Accept/Deny pending FMF transactions  
  function ManagePendingTransactionStatus($txnID, $action) {  
   if (!in_array($action, array('Accept', 'Deny'))) return FALSE;  
   $values['TRANSACTIONID'] = $txnID;  
   $values['ACTION'] = $action;  
   return $this->_request($values, 'ManagePendingTransactionStatus');  
   * GetTransactionDetails  
   * Used to read data from PayPal for a given transaction  
  function GetTransactionDetails($txnID) {  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values['ORIGID'] = $txnID;  
    $values['TENDER'] = 'C';  
    $values['TRXTYPE'] = 'I';  
    $values['VERBOSITY'] = 'MEDIUM';  
   } elseif ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    $values['TRANSACTIONID'] = $txnID;  
   return $this->_request($values, 'GetTransactionDetails');  
   * TransactionSearch  
   * Used to read data from PayPal for specified transaction criteria  
  function TransactionSearch($startdate, $txnID = '', $email = '', $options) {  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values['CUSTREF'] = $txnID;  
    $values['TENDER'] = 'C';  
    $values['TRXTYPE'] = 'I';  
    $values['VERBOSITY'] = 'MEDIUM';  
   } elseif ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    $values['STARTDATE'] = $startdate;  
    $values['TRANSACTIONID'] = $txnID;  
    $values['EMAIL'] = $email;  
    if (is_array($options)) $values = array_merge($values, $options);  
   return $this->_request($values, 'TransactionSearch');  
   * Set a parameter as passed.  
  function setParam($name, $value) {  
   $name = '_' . $name;  
   $this->$name = $value;  
   * Set CURL options.  
  function setCurlOption($name, $value) {  
   $this->_curlOptions[$name] = $value;  
   * Send a request to endpoint.  
  function _request($values, $operation, $requestId = null) {  
   if ($this->_mode == 'NOTCONFIGURED') {  
    return array('RESULT' => 'PayPal credentials not set. Cannot proceed.');  
   if ($this->checkHasApiCredentials() === FALSE && (!in_array($operation, array('SetExpressCheckout','GetExpressCheckoutDetails', 'DoExpressCheckoutPayment')))) {  
    return array('RESULT' => 'Unauthorized: Unilateral');  
   if (PAYPAL_DEV_MODE == 'true') $this->log('_request - breakpoint 1 - ' . $operation . "\n" . print_r($values, true));  
   $start = $this->_getMicroseconds();  
   if ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    $values['METHOD'] = $operation;  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $values['REQUEST_ID'] = time();  
   // convert currency code to proper key name for nvp  
   if ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    if (!isset($values['CURRENCYCODE']) && isset($values['CURRENCY'])) {  
     $values['CURRENCYCODE'] = $values['CURRENCY'];  
   // request-id must be unique within 30 days  
   if ($requestId === null) {  
    $requestId = md5(uniqid(mt_rand()));  
   $headers[] = 'Content-Type: text/namevalue';  
   $headers[] = 'X-VPS-Timeout: 90';  
   $headers[] = "X-VPS-VIT-Client-Type: PHP/cURL";  
   if ($this->_mode == 'payflow') {  
    $headers[] = 'X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Product: PHP::Zen Cart(R) - PayPal/Payflow Pro';  
   } elseif ($this->_mode == 'nvp') {  
    $headers[] = 'X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Product: PHP::Zen Cart(R) - PayPal/NVP';  
   $headers[] = 'X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Version: 1.5.1';  
   $this->lastHeaders = $headers;  
   $ch = curl_init();  
   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->_endpoints[$this->_server]);  
   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);  
   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this->_buildNameValueList($values));  
   foreach ($this->_curlOptions as $name => $value) {  
    curl_setopt($ch, $name, $value);  
   $response = curl_exec($ch);  
   $commError = curl_error($ch);  
   $commErrNo = curl_errno($ch);  
   $commInfo = @curl_getinfo($ch);  
   $rawdata = "CURL raw data:\n" . $response . "CURL RESULTS: (" . $commErrNo . ') ' . $commError . "\n" . print_r($commInfo, true) . "\nEOF";  
   $errors = ($commErrNo != 0 ? "\n(" . $commErrNo . ') ' . $commError : '');  
   $response .= '&CURL_ERRORS=' . ($commErrNo != 0 ? urlencode('(' . $commErrNo . ') ' . $commError) : '') ;  
   // do debug/logging  
   if ((!in_array($operation, array('GetTransactionDetails','TransactionSearch'))) || (in_array($operation, array('GetTransactionDetails','TransactionSearch')) && !strstr($response, '&ACK=Success')) ) $this->_logTransaction($operation, $this->_getElapsed($start), $response, $errors . ($commErrNo != 0 ? "\n" . print_r($commInfo, true) : ''));  
   if ($response) {  
    return $this->_parseNameValueList($response);  
   } else {  
    return false;  
   * Take an array of name-value pairs and return a properly  
   * formatted list. Enforces the following rules:  
   *  - Names must be uppercase, all characters must match [A-Z].  
   *  - Values cannot contain quotes.  
   *  - If values contain & or =, the name has the length appended to  
   *   it in brackets (NAME[4] for a 4-character value.  
   * If any of the "cannot" conditions are violated the function  
   * returns false, and the caller must abort and not proceed with  
   * the transaction.  
  function _buildNameValueList($pairs) {  
   // Add the parameters that are always sent.  
   $commpairs = array();  
   // generic:  
   if ($this->_user != '')   $commpairs['USER'] = str_replace('+', '%2B', trim($this->_user));  
   if ($this->_pwd != '')    $commpairs['PWD'] = trim($this->_pwd);  
   // PRO2.0 options:  
   if ($this->_partner != '')  $commpairs['PARTNER'] = trim($this->_partner);  
   if ($this->_vendor != '')  $commpairs['VENDOR'] = trim($this->_vendor);  
   // NVP-specific options:  
   if ($this->_version != '')  $commpairs['VERSION'] = trim($this->_version);  
   if ($this->_signature != '') $commpairs['SIGNATURE'] = trim($this->_signature);  
   // Use sandbox credentials if defined and sandbox selected  
   if ($this->_server == 'sandbox'  
    $commpairs['USER'] = str_replace('+', '%2B', trim(MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_SANDBOX_APIPASSWORD));  
   // Adjustments if Micropayments account profile details have been set  
    $commpairs['USER'] = str_replace('+', '%2B', trim(MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_MICROPAY_APIUSERNAME));  
   // Accelerated/Unilateral Boarding support:  
   if ($this->checkHasApiCredentials() == FALSE) {  
    $commpairs['USER'] = '';  
    $commpairs['PWD'] = '';  
    $commpairs['SIGNATURE'] = '';  
   $pairs = array_merge($pairs, $commpairs);  
   $string = array();  
   foreach ($pairs as $name => $value) {  
    if (preg_match('/[^A-Z_0-9]/', $name)) {  
     if (PAYPAL_DEV_MODE == 'true') $this->log('_buildNameValueList - datacheck - ABORTING - preg_match found invalid submission key: ' . $name . ' (' . $value . ')');  
     return false;  
    // remove quotation marks  
    $value = str_replace('"', '', $value);  
    // if the value contains a & or = symbol, handle it differently  
    if (($this->_mode == 'payflow') && (strpos($value, '&') !== false || strpos($value, '=') !== false)) {  
     $string[] = $name . '[' . strlen($value) . ']=' . $value;  
     if (PAYPAL_DEV_MODE == 'true') $this->log('_buildNameValueList - datacheck - adding braces and string count to: ' . $value . ' (' . $name . ')');  
    } else {  
     if ($this->_mode == 'nvp' && ((strstr($name, 'SHIPTO') || strstr($name, 'L_NAME')) && (strpos($value, '&') !== false || strpos($value, '=') !== false))) $value = urlencode($value);  
     $string[] = $name . '=' . $value;  
   $this->lastParamList = implode('&', $string);  
   return $this->lastParamList;  
   * Take a name/value response string and parse it into an  
   * associative array. Doesn't handle length tags in the response  
   * as they should not be present.  
  function _parseNameValueList($string) {  
   $string = str_replace('&amp;', '|', $string);  
   $pairs = explode('&', str_replace(array("\r\n","\n"), '', $string));  
   //$this->log('['.$string . "]\n\n[" . print_r($pairs, true) .']');  
   $values = array();  
   foreach ($pairs as $pair) {  
    list($name, $value) = explode('=', $pair, 2);  
    $values[$name] = str_replace('|', '&amp;', $value);  
   return $values;  
   * Log the current transaction depending on the current log level.  
   * @access protected  
   * @param string $operation The operation called.  
   * @param integer $elapsed  Microseconds taken.  
   * @param object $response  The response.  
  function _logTransaction($operation, $elapsed, $response, $errors) {  
   $values = $this->_parseNameValueList($response);  
   $token = isset($values['TOKEN']) ? $values['TOKEN'] : '';  
   $token = preg_replace('/[^0-9.A-Z\-]/', '', urldecode($token));  
   $success = false;  
   if ($response) {  
    if ((isset($values['RESULT']) && $values['RESULT'] == 0) || (isset($values['ACK']) && (strstr($values['ACK'],'Success') || strstr($values['ACK'],'SuccessWithWarning')) && !strstr($values['ACK'],'Failure'))) {  
     $success = true;  
   $message =  date('Y-m-d h:i:s') . "\n-------------------\n";  
   $message .= '(' . $this->_server . ' transaction) --> ' . $this->_endpoints[$this->_server] . "\n";  
   $message .= 'Request Headers: ' . "\n" . $this->_sanitizeLog($this->lastHeaders) . "\n\n";  
   $message .= 'Request Parameters: {' . $operation . '} ' . "\n" . urldecode($this->_sanitizeLog($this->_parseNameValueList($this->lastParamList))) . "\n\n";  
   $message .= 'Response: ' . "\n" . urldecode($this->_sanitizeLog($values)) . $errors;  
   if ($this->_logLevel > 0 || $success == FALSE) {  
    $this->log($message, $token);  
    // extra debug email: //  
    if (MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPALWPP_DEBUGGING == 'Log and Email') {  
     zen_mail(STORE_NAME, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, 'PayPal Debug log - ' . $operation, $message, STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, array('EMAIL_MESSAGE_HTML'=>nl2br($message)), 'debug');  
    $this->log($operation . ', Elapsed: ' . $elapsed . 'ms -- ' . (isset($values['ACK']) ? $values['ACK'] : ($success ? 'Succeeded' : 'Failed')) . $errors, $token);  
    if (!$response) {  
     $this->log('No response from server' . $errors, $token);  
    } else {  
     if ((isset($values['RESULT']) && $values['RESULT'] != 0) || strstr($values['ACK'],'Failure')) {  
      $this->log($response . $errors, $token);  
   * Strip sensitive information (passwords, credit card numbers, cvv2 codes) from requests/responses.  
   * @access protected  
   * @param mixed $log The log to sanitize.  
   * @return string The sanitized (and string-ified, if necessary) log.  
  function _sanitizeLog($log, $allsensitive = false) {  
   if (is_array($log)) {  
    foreach (array_keys($log) as $key) {  
     switch (strtolower($key)) {  
      case 'pwd':  
      case 'cvv2':  
       $log[$key] = str_repeat('*', strlen($log[$key]));  
      case 'signature':  
      case 'acct':  
       $log[$key] = str_repeat('*', strlen(substr($log[$key], 0, -4))) . substr($log[$key], -4);  
      case 'solutiontype':  
     if ($allsensitive && in_array($key, array('BUTTONSOURCE', 'VERSION', 'SIGNATURE', 'USER', 'VENDOR', 'PARTNER', 'PWD', 'VERBOSITY'))) unset($log[$key]);  
    return print_r($log, true);  
   } else {  
    return $log;  
  function log($message, $token = '') {  
   static $tokenHash;  
   if ($tokenHash == '') $tokenHash = '_' . zen_create_random_value(4);  
   if ($token == '') $token = $_SESSION['paypal_ec_token'];  
   if ($token == '') $token = time();  
   $token .= $tokenHash;  
   $file = $this->_logDir . '/' . 'Paypal_CURL_' . $token . '.log';  
   if ($fp = @fopen($file, 'a')) {  
    fwrite($fp, $message . "\n\n");  
   * Check whether API credentials are supplied, or if is blank  
   * @return boolean  
  function checkHasApiCredentials()  
   return ($this->_mode == 'nvp' && ($this->_user == '' || $this->_pwd == '')) ? FALSE : TRUE;  
   * Return the current time including microseconds.  
   * @access protected  
   * @return integer Current time with microseconds.  
  function _getMicroseconds() {  
   list($ms, $s) = explode(' ', microtime());  
   return floor($ms * 1000) + 1000 * $s;  
   * Return the difference between now and $start in microseconds.  
   * @access protected  
   * @param integer $start Start time including microseconds.  
   * @return integer Number of microseconds elapsed since $start  
  function _getElapsed($start) {  
   return $this->_getMicroseconds() - $start;  
  * Convert HTML comments to readable text  
  * @param string $string  
  * @return string  
 function zen_uncomment($string) {  
  return str_replace(array('<!-- ', ' -->'), array('[', ']'), $string);  