Well i had scenario that i have upload all the product and categories on my local host Magento store now what i had to is to make the website live and i had configured it live but the challenge came to me is i have to upload all the product in a day. There was around 3,000 products on my store which looks very difficult for me. so i have started researching and googling over it. After a long research i got a solution. and the solution here it is.
Go to your phpMyAdmin select your database on which your store is running on localhost. There you have to select all the tables starting with catelog_
After selecting tables you need to export all these table scroll bottom and you will get a dropdown saying with selected click on it and select export.
After selecting export you will be redirected to another page where you will get two radio buttons
Quick - display only the minimal options
Custom - display all possible options
you have to select 2nd one custom. and in table list all the tables that you had checked previously will be selected.
befor exporting all the products you need to check all these following option are enabled.
Go to your phpMyAdmin select your database on which your store is running on localhost. There you have to select all the tables starting with catelog_
After selecting export you will be redirected to another page where you will get two radio buttons
Quick - display only the minimal options
Custom - display all possible options
you have to select 2nd one custom. and in table list all the tables that you had checked previously will be selected.
befor exporting all the products you need to check all these following option are enabled.
Now click on go button at the very bottom of page and your product with categories are exported.
simply import this SQL file. for product images you need to upload all those image in
and you are done. Hope this artical will help you.