Thursday, August 21, 2014

New Domain Extension

New Domains Availbe To Register
Launching in this week


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How To Change Extension Of Multiple File At a Time

Really it is hard to change extension one by one of your files. I came across with this with a cmd trick. I had many images of different extensions and I have to put it in one extension in .jpg. Because of web restriction i had to upload images in .jpg extension if i put any another extension then website will not access those images. Isn’t it a great job or saving of time all the work that we want to do to be completed in second? Generally we want to use less use of brain and less time to complete our work. But there should be perfection in job.

In this article I will share this trick with you. It is very simple.

Open your command prompt by typing cmd in run box.
Once command prompt opened to your folder where your files are putted by typing cd.
If the files are in another drive of your computer simply type drive name with colon like D:
Then go to your folder by using cd command.
Let say for example my files are in images folder of “D” drive
Type D:
Then type cd images
And here you are now its time of magic once reached to your targeted folder you need to type a simple and very short command to change extension of you files.

Type ren *.* *.jpg

You can put any extension like jpg, png , gif, bmp any extension you want. After typing this command you will get all the files in targeted folder with different extension has been changed to the extension that your have given in command prompt. Isn’t it so simple?

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

How to Share Wamp Localhost in lan

Many of programmers works on big php project in group. If the developer is a window user he use to install wamp on their system for complete php framework. Wamp server includes php as well as mysql. If you are working alone on a project then it is all good simply install wamp and go through you coding and configuration, But if you are working in team then you might get a requirement to share you wamp localhost. It is possible to share your wamp localhost on lan so that other programmers involved in the project can get access to the project. They can separately check their module on which they are working.

Most beneficial part of sharing wamp localhost on lan is you can view your project on different version of browers, different operating system platform, different screen sizes.

For sharing your wamp localhost over lan you need to change some lines in apache httpd.conf
Open up your httpd.conf file

Find <Directory "c:/wamp/www/">
At the bottom of the closing </Directory> you will find
# onlineoffline tag - don't remove
    Order Deny,Allow
    Allow from all
Chang this to
#   onlineoffline tag - don't remove
    Order Deny,Allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from ::1 localhost
    Allow from

Important* - Change to your ip4 address of your computer. You can get your ip4 address by simply type ipconfig to the command prompt. The final step that you have to do is to restart your wamp server. Now you can check your project on another computer over lan.

Monday, August 18, 2014

How to Prepare For Medical Exam

If any student is confused in preparing for medical exams. It's not time to worry about it. have a quick look upon try it. I think it will help your in your medical exam preparation. This book don't only contain medical preparation but it also covers nursing training also. If you are a medical student you must consider it at once.

There are a lots of student who are preparing for medical but they are really confused what the perfect study material they use for their preparation and they don't reach to their goals.

Try it once and if you feel it better for preparation please leave a comment.

Monday, August 4, 2014

How to Integrate twitter widget in website

This blog will show you how to integrate tweets of twitter into you website. Twitter provides widget for it and it very easy to integrate your tweets into your website. you need to follow these steps.

  1. You need to login to your twitter account
  2. Go to settings then profile
  3. look for widget
  4. click create new
  5. make your configuration
  6. and you will get to code to be pasted into your html
Now you have successfully integrated your twitter with your website.